Coffee shop watching: Muyenga Edition

If you follow me on Instagram. you know that my obsession has slowly but surely shifted from wine to coffee. Don’t get me wrong, I still love my fermented grapes. But the struggle not to look like a grown elephant is real. And we all know wine and weight struggles are very very real.

I’ve been addicted to caffeine for all of a decade. It started with a seemingly harmless can of coca cola, but before I knew it, I was unable to get through pretty much anything without it. My addiction lasted about 8 years, and then I discovered coffee. 10 years and very many setbacks later, i can proudly say I’m not addicted to coca cola anymore. But I’m definitely hooked on coffee. Lucky enough though, I walked into this one with my eyes wide open. Under no circumstances was I willfully walking into an addiction I know the whole world is trying to break free from. SO coffee, for me, is like a super hero. When you see that cup, you know I’m having one hell of a day and you should probably steer clear until the cup is empty.

Here’s a few of the local coffee shops I’ve been frequenting lately:

Endiro Coffee, Muyenga.

Besides the fact that it’s right around the corner from my house (convenience), sitting up there in their well laid out and aesthetically pleasing little coffee shop, watching the Muyenga traffic go by is medicine for my soul. Oh, and i absolutely love their retro coffee mugs. The double cappuccino, which is my poison of choice, is a little on the milky side of things, but you can remedy this really easily by asking for a smaller cup like I do. Less milk, stronger coffee. Problem fixed.

Holy Crepe, Muyenga.

For me, the main selling point here is the all day breakfast. What that means, for me, is that even on those days when my feet are made of concrete and getting out of bed feels like such a chore, I’ll still be right in time for breakfast. So we can all pretend we’re having our morning cuppa along with our favorite breakfast goodies, even at 10 pm! How can anyone resist?

La Patisserie, Quality Hill, Nsambya

On days when I want full English breakfast badly enough to brave the Gaba road traffic and be there by 11am, La Patisserie is my go-to. The coffee is great (I specifically love their cups) and the breakfast spread is even better. And if you’re a coffee connoisseur, the selection of coffee flavors in Le Gourmet Delicatissen will certainly speak to you.

BROOD, Muyenga

I’m sure by now you can almost tell which neck of the woods I hail from. And this little coffee shop is my go-to for a quick on-the-go coffee. The smell of freshly baked pastries and coffee that pretty much hugs you when you walk in will do WONDERS for your mood. Now i still haven’t been lucky enough to find an empty spot, so I can’t say I’ve actually ever sat down for an in-house coffee. But if you’re in a hurry and need your fix before you hit the road, BROOD comes very highly recommended.

Jumia Food, Uganda.

You know how they say not all heroes wear capes? Jumia food has saved my life more times than I can count. When I still worked in Naguru (i.e up until a few days ago), the crazy morning run left little to no room for pit-stops. Meaning that on several occasions, I found myself desperately in need of a hero in the form of coffee on wheels. Only the universe knows how many distress calls I made to the Jumia helpline. And even when it was raining cats and dogs, they came through with my fix.

What’s your go-to when it comes to coffee? On my last trip to Cape Town, I discovered an amazing little artisan coffee shop which honestly had the best coffee I’ve had in a while. And I’d like to know where you guys think serves the best coffee in town.

Where do you go when you need your fix?

Let me know in the comments.

Happy hump day!

Love, Zeri.

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