Kampala Restaurant Week 2019 Launches with a First Bites Bash

It’s finally here, Kampala restaurant Week 2019! It was ushered in with a Media launch where The Pearl Guide hosted members of the press, media and food bloggers to a delightful First Bites Bash at La Cabana restaurant at the Speke Apartments, Wampewo Avenue. Now, believe it or not, this was my first time at La Cabana. I know, I know, shame on me considering I’m a very frequent restaurant goer. But there’s a first time for everything and this was mine.

Please note that due to circumstances well beyond my control, I was in the mother of all rotten moods when the day began. In fact, if I’m to be honest, even though food often has this magic ability to cheer me up on the worst of days (especially when it’s free), I wasn’t entirely sure it was going to work this time. It was that kind of day.

Anyway, the invitation said 3pm so I did my best to be there a little before that so I could get a feel of everything before starting time. Lucky for me, my lovely date Rakiya got there around about the same time as I did so there wasn’t any awkward small talk.

And as if the universe heard me, the ever so generous Tusker Lite people opened the taps almost as soon as we settled down which did wonders for the general mood of the event, as you can imagine. And that’s when the food started flowing.

Now I can tell you, there are only a few things harder than balancing eating (and I mean really getting in there, taking in the flavours and enjoying your meal), taking pictures for the blog and keeping your Instagram stories updated on the go –especially when the food keeps coming in really short intervals. It really was a balancing act, but I think I did a good enough job of keeping up 🙂

Thank goodness we live in a world where it’s perfectly okay to take occasional pauses from conversations to take pictures, especially of food! (I bet you my mother is shaking her head while reading this, wondering what is wrong with our generation. Hi mom!)

And the icing on the cake (besides the delectable chocolate mousse which I loved so much that I had Rakiya’s too), was the free vouchers we received from The Pearl Guide (thanks guys!)

Let the games begin!

Happy restaurant week my people!

Love and love,


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